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Sunday, June 3, 2007

Who Am I??

Probably in this golf blog of mine, I will be talking more about golf. But in my introduction, I probably didn't talk about who i am in the golf world. Not the golf world actually, who am i and my golf!! So i'll probably have a little more detail introduction about myself. I'm Eric Seah, a Johore (the state I'm living in M'sia) representives in National Level Competition (MSSM) for 5 consecutive years. I (self-proclaimed) have a record streak of 3 consecutive years of Under-15 State-Level Golf champion. Anyway, my life starting at the age of 11, is all just about golfing until I drastically practise lesser when I enter my University life, which is currently now. I LOVE GOLF and the PEOPLE. It teaches me a lot, a lot more than I should know at my young tender age last time. But I have no regrets, as it really helps me to become a more motivated and discipline(i guess) person. Therefore in this golf blog, I would like to share my experiences and ways to help players to play better in any way that I can. Of course, I can't guarantee how much I can help or will my advise definitely turns right, as this is only type-to-type communication. Unless you send me your golf swing pictures or videos, for me to analyse and I can guarantee to you what's really wrong in your game.

I really hope to be an author in any golf magazine who would hire me, but so far it doesn't turn right and probably I wasn't daring enough to really try it. Therefore, I rather spend my time blogging about the topics I like and it is definitely more convenient for people to communicate with me. Okay, next topic will be my handicap. I'm a 6 handicapper, though it is not that good, but I will try to reduce in years to come (let me study finish first ya). I like to talk about golf technologies, analyse one's authentic swing, realising how power mental is to golf, finding ways on my own to play a better game and work hard in winning money through golf bettings (hihihi..). I'll discuss more about myself in other entry, as I think what I share right now is relevant enough. Before I end this entry, in my blog i will have posts about
  1. Technology of Golf
  2. Mental Golf
  3. Weekly Golf Tips
  4. Golf Jokes and Funny Side of Golf
  5. Moral to be Learnt in Golf
  6. and the best of all, WAYS TO BETTING..

Hope you all readers will be looking forward to my blog and suscribe FOR FREE(site feed where any updates will be notifies) to my blog. Play a better Game, hopefully with my help..ciaoz

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