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Tuesday, June 12, 2007

How to Transfer Our Weight?

In my previous post, I touch about Weight Transfer but I didn't talk about HOW to transfer it. For some, weight transferring may have been attach in their swing already. So just carry on and improve your swing by practising more.

But for some, they are having problems to transfer and are also afraid of swaying their swing instead of transferring. These are probably some tips that may help you all.

  1. Standing on a equally balanced bended knee (in Chinese, is 'MA PU' or horse-stand). Close your eyes and put both your palms together in your front of your chest (not holding a club). Close your eyes and try moving and moving your body to the left and to the right, to and fro. Just keep on feel that. *IMPORTANT NOTICE*-both your feet should stay flat to the ground while moving, and LET just your knee and body work things out.
  2. For people who don't even know what weight transfer is, I recommend this tips but..BUT this is a very risky way of practising weight transfer. But it is a drill, that I once practise and created for myself. I called it, 'Sway Your Swing'. In this drill, your hand should not be at work at picking up the golf club or whatsoever. What your hand do is only to move the club only. So when you are practising this drill, remember it is just a drill and should not be implemented in your golf swing. It is just a feeling for you all to know what weight transfer is about. So the procedures goes like this, move your body to the right (as right as possible). With all your body weight going towards your right side(which will be 85% of your weight will go to the right leg), using the body power and weight to pull your hand up with the body. Your hand swing will be very flat and low unlike your usual swing which will be relatively higher. And immediately, move back all the weight from right to left ASAP, to let your body go faster than your hand. Your hand MUST be brought down by your body swing and not your hand swing.

Give it a try if you doubt your swing. An ideal weight transfer, can probably gives you extra 20-70 metre depending on how you coordinate your swing. Best of Luck!

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