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Thursday, October 23, 2008

Knowledge in Golf

In everything we do, we need knowledge. Even when we play golf, if you do not have knowledge, do you know how to whack a 30 yards further from how you usually teed off? Will you know how to chip near the pin? Or do you know how to play a better game?

Is it all based on instincts? NO..seriously NO! I mean a N and a O = NO.

Game of golf as mentioned is used to compensate and minimize our losses. Some people may fared well after getting a professional and learn fast. However, even with or without your coach, you still need to do a lot of homework. Because, golf is never like studying. You study in the middle of the nite, burning up midnight oil hoping for a better game tomorrow?? That can never happen.

Golf involve plenty of patience and perseverance. You need knowledge and a lot of extra knowledge. And a very important key reminder is that, ALWAYS GIVE CHANCE TO EVERYONE TO GIVE YOU THE KNOWLEDGE YOU WANT. In other words, doesn't mean all branded stuffs are good, some cheaper brands serve the same purpose. Or Specifically, doesn't mean you are taught by David Leadbetter or Butch Harmon, you will be the world greatest player (take Tiger changing his coach to Hank Haney, I'm not saying Hank is not good, he is very great, but changing from world number one coach to Hank, what he did that??). Just like getting tips from Golf Channel, some tips can be pretty accurate and correct and it may apply to you. Doesn't mean all the tips that is given can correctly fit everyone, but somehow it may serve as a precaution or reminder. Thus, what's the next best thing to gain this knowledge??

That's what always happen to a lot of people who did not gain enough knowledge. You have to read a lot to know a lot. Example, reading from magazines giving you all tips and tricks. However, those may not be sustainable sometimes for future reference. So I suggest, getting books. I've tonnes of books and magazines. If to take it professionally, when I was young I take golf like my profession. I read everyday, while going for tuition, while relaxing, come back home. I've read from successful people's books like Tiger to normal players who share their tips. There are a lot of knowledge being put in. And that's good. When you know more, you get to explore and understand more of the complexity of the game of golf. I've read popular books like How I Train a Tiger, How Do I Play Golf (recommended) all by Tiger. And I've read a book talking about the legends of golf from Sam Snead to Bobby Jones, Harry Vardon. Understanding them like a Historian makes you different and better of course. As a favourite Historian George Santayana quoted, ' Those who don't remember their history, will repeat the same mistakes again'. So do grab some of the books either is E-books or physical books. It serve a good purpose. You can ask which book are good when you want to purchase them. I'll let you know. I have links at the side bar of HOT PRODUCTS..where you can buy those books too..hehe

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